What is a migraine?
A migraine is a strong headache with a severe aura that affects vision, hearing, and touch. Severe instances might cause visual loss and nausea. There are two forms of migraines: classic and vascular. Headaches, nausea, dizziness, light sensitivity, and impaired speech are among symptoms of migraines.
Viruses may cause nausea, vomiting, and light sensitivity. Vascular migraines include dull or stabbing pain, impaired vision, tingling, and weakness. Women are more prone to this migraine. A headache is the major indicator of an assault.
Migraines and Medical Marijuana
Researchers have proven that marijuana can help alleviate migraines, both chronic and episodic. They’ve been especially helpful in identifying CBD and THC as effective pain relievers. CBD is thought to be responsible for migraine relief by inhibiting pain receptors and decreasing the number of pain receptors in the brain. THC, on the other hand, induces anti-nociceptive responses which make the brain insensitive to pain signals.
A study done by researchers at the University of Florida determined that while CBD may reduce migraine frequency and severity, THC induced a decrease in the frequency of migraine attacks. This is because THC induces a high. This is because THC induces a high. Thus, a migraine attack induced by CBD would be followed by a migraine attack induced by THC.
The Case for Medical Marijuana
Migraine is one of the most debilitating headaches, that is quite common especially in the older demographic. According to the National Migraine Foundation, one in 10 people will experience a migraine headache in their lifetime. It can be classified into two types; chronic migraine and episodic migraine.
Chronic migraine lasts for between 4 and 15 days; it can last from a headache to a constant throbbing headache. This type of migraine has no endpoint and therefore, you could be in it for months, even years. People suffering from chronic migraine usually have recurrent attacks, usually every 2 weeks. The migraines can last for several hours and generally, severe pain and a throbbing headache.
How to Get Medical Marijuana
Medical marijuana has been legal for a while in 30 states as well as the District of Columbia. But recently, eight states have legalized marijuana for medical purposes; Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, and Oregon. It is now legal to buy weed online but the process of getting medical marijuana varies depending on the state. Some states such as Colorado and California already have licensing procedures in place, some of them do not. To be a medical marijuana patient in Colorado, a patient must register with the Colorado Board of Health and then apply for a license through the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.