If you’ve been considering breast augmentation, you’re probably going to be a bit nervous about recovering from the procedure. While we all know that there are risks associated with any type of surgery, we also know that most people will have a great experience if they take care of their new breasts after the procedure.
Eat And Drink Healthy
- Drink plenty of water. Water helps you stay hydrated, which is important for your overall health and recovery from surgery.
- Eat healthy foods that are rich in protein, such as fish or chicken breast with brown rice or quinoa; these will help repair your muscles after surgery.
- Avoid alcohol, caffeine (including coffee), smoking, strenuous exercise (such as running) until all stitches are removed by your doctor at around one week post-op – this is because these things can increase bleeding during recovery time and make it more difficult for wounds to heal properly.
Don’t Forget Your Vitamin C!
Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin, so it’s important that you take it every day, according to Dr. Peter Driscoll. Vitamin C is an antioxidant, which means it can help reduce inflammation and swelling after surgery. It also has anti-bacterial properties that may help prevent infections in the incision site. Vitamin C helps with tissue repair and collagen production, which are both important for proper healing of your new implants!
If you’re having any bruising or swelling after surgery (and even if you aren’t), make sure to take at least 1000 mg of Vitamin C per day during recovery time as well as throughout your life–it’ll keep those scars looking smooth!
Keep Your Body Elevated For The First 24 Hours After Surgery
This will help reduce swelling by keeping blood flow to the area, and also reduce pain, according to Dr. Peter Driscoll. You can use pillows or a wedge to elevate your legs, place a pillow under your knees, or sit in a recliner if you are able to.Take pain medication as needed, but don’t overdo it!
Pain medication is one of the most important parts of your recovery process. It can help you feel better and get back to your normal routine faster, but it’s important to remember that pain medication should only be used as needed. Don’t take more than directed by your doctor, because they know what dosage is best for you based on their experience with other patients’ needs.
Sleep On Your Back For The First Week Of Recovery
The first week after your surgery is the most critical, and it’s important to follow your doctor’s instructions. For example, they may advise you to sleep on your back–and not just because they want you to look good in a bikini. Sleeping on your side can cause swelling and slow down healing, so sleeping on your back will help reduce both of these problems as well as pain. In addition to helping with swelling and pain management, sleeping on your back will also help prevent infection by keeping open wounds away from germs that could cause infection (like those dust bunnies under the bed).