When you need to sit down, he lets you; when you need to get up, he makes you do the movement, allowing you to climb stairs, run, walk and lie down. You need your knee and taking care of it is very important. Anyone who suffers from knee pain knows that the pain is often unbearable. As the knee is the largest joint in the body, it bears our weight and is most vulnerable to injury. In addition, an inadequate posture during work can cause or aggravate trauma in the region.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention and care to avoid some diseases. Follow this article and see tips to avoid specific injuries. Read more on https://kdmshospital.com/article/joint-replacement-surgery/ 

Knee Diseases

The main pathologies in this region of the body that take many people and especially employees, to orthopedic offices are related to the knee. According to data from the Ministry of Social Security, it is the second cause of employee leave, behind only back pain.

And what would those diseases be?

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Bursitis
  • Gout
  • Dislocation
  • Ruptures
  • Ligament injuries
  • Tendonitis

What Causes Knee Pain

Considering that the knee supports our body and allows us to perform specific movements, some reasons harm and cause trauma in this region.

  • Wrong posture when sitting
  • Crossing your legs for too long
  • Sitting on one leg
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Excessive strength and weight in the knee

How To Care For Your Knee

Anyone who has had an injury knows the intensity of pain and the limitations to sitting, standing, and walking. Below we list some important tips to help you take care of this joint.

At Work – Standing

Working standing and staying for many hours in this position overloads the joints of the lower limbs, concentrating a lot of blood in the legs. It can also affect the lumbar region and cause postural changes, osteoarthritis, and pain in the soles of the feet and calves. The suggestion to alleviate and avoid these symptoms is to use the Ergonomic Anti-Fatigue Mat. Approved by specialists in the field of medicine and physiotherapy at work, the Anti-Fatigue Mat aims to eliminate muscle tension and fatigue. It ensures the ideal cushioning for the employee’s body that the feet don’t offer, in addition to stimulating blood circulation.