We all lead busy lives and despite the fact that you might want to start a home based business, you think that you’ve no time to commit to it. Your available time is limited. But, with the right strategies in place you can make better use of your time and use it to start a home based business.
If you’re going to succeed, you have to be more ruthless with the time you’ve got. These 7 tips below show how you can find the time to start a home based business and fulfill your entrepreneurial goals.
1. Get Up on Time
You don’t need more than 7 or 8 hours of sleep each night. If you can limit your sleep to absolute maximum of 8 hours, you will get time. If you usually sleep less than 6 hours you may need to sleep a bit more to be most productive with your time.
2. Manage Your Emails
It’s easy to get distracted when you’re working on your computer at home. Set certain times for checking your email and keep to it.
3. Switch Off Technology
You can be looking online for an answer to a specific problem and before you know it, you’ve just wasted an hour watching hilarious cat videos. Anything that you don’t need to get your work completed, turn off. That means your television, too.
4. Recognize Your Internal Clock
Everyone has an internal time clock and you need to determine for yourself what your own internal clock is so you can work on your home based business at the optimum time to suit you. Some folks are early risers, some are night owls and others are in between.
5. Try Evernote
This neat little application can help you keep track of your thoughts, daily activities, notes for tasks, and more. It takes a while to learn how to use it, but once you get the hang of it’s a great way to keep track of lots of tasks.
6. Use Time Tracking Software
There are tasks that are productive and tasks that waste your time. The challenge is knowing which is which. If you have a Gmail account, then you already have access to Google Calendars. You can easily set up different calendars for different aspects of your new home based business and colour code the entries. Further you can print out a schedule each day or sync to your smartphone so that you don’t forget anything.